Hand with leaf drawing

It's possible to make meaningful ecological decisions and live happily.


Individual eco-friendly actions are a great way to start the transition to a sustainable life. But what comes next? How do we go from recycling more and being a vegetarian, to living in a way that our choices and our values match up?

The next step is to reflect on the way we think about the world.

This includes our values, our concepts and words, and the way we treat others and our environment. It includes the way we approach and see the journey of life.

The same approach helps us to bring others with us on this ecological journey. Information is not enough to convince those who are resistant to change. We cannot be moralising eco-warriors: instead, by showing that life can be better, we encourage others to think about themselves and begin to change their habits.

I believe it’s possible to live an enjoyable, environmentally sober life, with strong values and impactful actions. A life of passion and meaning, of connection and intensity.

And I want to help people get there.

Sometimes we just need more knowledge about the problem, and we can find our own way forward.
Other times, we have too much knowledge, and not enough experience sorting this knowledge to be able to find the way.

Ecological coaching helps you to connect your values with your actions, learn about the world, and find a new meaning to life in the ecological crisis.

Malte Schmidt-Unsplash

Who is it for?

    • People seeking a deep change in the way they live their lives.
    • People who have realised the critical nature of the crisis we are living. They’ve ‘woken up’. They feel panicked, pressured, hopeless, sad, anxious…
    • People who work in environmental organisations, who want to take their actions to the next level.
    • Leaders who want to fight for change in their area and want to develop a plan to do so.

Who is it not for?

    • People who want to start recycling and eating less meat as small actions to reduce their footprint, but might need a helping hand. There are many other services, apps and trainings to help you.
    • People who want to appear more ‘eco-friendly’ but are unwilling to actually make changes to who they are and how they live. Idem for companies who want to market themselves as sustainable but are unwilling to change their business plan. You need to reflect on your motivations. Maybe you could start by reading the articles on Plurality.eco.

What can you expect?

    • Analyse the impacts of yourself, or your organisation on the environment, locally and globally.
    • Create your own personal or professional ecological story, that explains your place in the world.
    • Find an environmental mission, and put in place actions to achieve this mission. If you already have one, figure out the next steps in your journey.
    • Learn key ecological concepts, increasing your knowledge and/or awareness of the ecological crisis and its implications.
    • Learn to see the world in terms of relationships, dependencies, and flows, rather than individual units to be controlled and managed.
    • Manage collective and individual responsibilities, and learn to cope with eco-emotions.
    • Learn about practices such as meditation, dance, yoga, breathing, nature connection, and other practices of the body.
    • Other creative practices that appear along our journey!

Methods of working

We hold sessions online based on your availability (or in Paris if you live there). These consist of coaching and discussions, reading additional information, and trying out activities in your life.
There are always practical activities, moments of reflection, and opportunities for questions.
After an initial meeting, we will elaborate a plan for how best to work together to achieve your objectives. There is no set period of time or duration – it’s up to you and how quickly you want to progress.

A free guide to help you with the basics

About the coach

As an intuitive and empathetic human being, with a strong eurythmic connection with what many of us call “nature” such as the trees, the sun, the wind and the sea, I intimately feel the lack of balance in our environments. I see the opportunity for a collective reflection: the work of theoretical and philosophical labour, posing questions and developing thinking structures and models, to present an alternative future, one our imaginations can long for.

I help people live differently: we can be happy and self-sufficient individuals with caring business and personal practices and thoughtful resource use.  I show people that it’s possible to live differently: in harmony with the ethical principles each one of us has, and in a way which reduces the suffering of all beings. I help people reconnect to themselves, find what is important in their lives, and have the confidence to follow their dreams.

I also write: essays, books (fiction and non-fiction), a PhD thesis in philosophy, and for the causes which I care about. I dance, I play and listen to music, I practice meditation, and I revel in the happiness of life.

Jack Goldingham Newsom

Click above or send an email to hello@plurality.eco. 

Member of the Climate Coaching Alliance

Why plurality.eco?

Our environment is more than a resource to be exploited. Human beings are not the ‘masters of nature,’ and cannot think they are managers of everything around them. Plurality is about finding a wealth of ideas to help us cope with the ecological crisis which we have to confront now, and in the coming decades. We all need to understand what is at stake, and create new ways of being in the world, new dreams for ourselves, that recognise this uncertain future.

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Diverse ideas to approach our ecological future.

We're part of the .eco network of organisations committed to support positive change for the planet.

Copyright © Plurality.eco 2024