Ecological Consciousness
Let's live mindfully, connected with the natural world.
This one-day workshop works to activate a new awareness of nature and our environments.
The door to a deep connection with nature and ourselves is not hidden from us. If we dare to untie the knots put in place by modern society and western individuality, this door to nature opens.
I'm inviting you to journey on the road to a new way of living on Earth. And it's magical!
The joy, sharing and love produced by your new cosmic and ecological consciousness will stay with you for the rest of your life.
All this, within a caring framework of sharing and learning together.
Workshops are held regularly in person in Les Montils, in the 77 (50 minutes from Paris), and online. If you would like to organise a workshop in another location with your group, association or company, this is also possible.
If you want to go further with this work, or feel the need for individual help, I offer individual sessions to deepen your practice and share more wisdom on your unique path. Click here to find out more.
Our environment is more than a resource to be exploited. Human beings are not the ‘masters of nature,’ and cannot think they are managers of everything around them. Plurality is about finding a wealth of ideas to help us cope with the ecological crisis which we have to confront now, and in the coming decades. We all need to understand what is at stake, and create new ways of being in the world, new dreams for ourselves, that recognise this uncertain future.
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