The wisdom and practices of ecological and cosmic consciousness, tailored to you and your unique path.
Do you feel the call to go further with your personal transition to a more environmentally friendly life? Are you paralysed by a lack of clarity about what's at stake and how to change? Are disconnection, fear and anxiety the main emotions you feel when you think about nature?
Or have you already had profound experiences in nature, and would like to integrate these experiences into your being and your everyday life? Do you feel that nature can open your mind, and lead you on a path with more meaning, more joy, and less waste?
I would love to meet you!
1. I want to change my life
A 3-month coaching package, with two one-and-a-half-hour sessions per month. 9 hours of total support, online (or face-to-face if possible).
Charged according to your income and financial situation
I want to pay my share and contribute to the coaching of another person with less: €1,200€.
I want to pay my share and invest in myself to create a more aligned life: €860 €.
I am unable to pay these amounts, but I feel the need for coaching: contact me and ask for a bursary. I offer three bursaries a year, so access to individual support is €150. €.
2. I need support in the here and now
I also offer one-off sessions to help you along your way.
These sessions are €95 each and last for one and a half hours (1h30'). Also available online or in person.
Our environment is more than a resource to be exploited. Human beings are not the ‘masters of nature,’ and cannot think they are managers of everything around them. Plurality is about finding a wealth of ideas to help us cope with the ecological crisis which we have to confront now, and in the coming decades. We all need to understand what is at stake, and create new ways of being in the world, new dreams for ourselves, that recognise this uncertain future.
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